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GODBITE - the Aristocrats [official full album stream]

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Order \"the Aristocrats\": : : : : : Follow: : : : : : TRACKLIST AND INFO BELOW!

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00:00 david lynch

05:08 you can lead a horse

09:37 mothermeat

12:45 camwhore

20:07 bear in mind

26:28 my home is yours

33:29 schrödinger’s scat

38:59 red herring

41:00 till the cows come home

: : : : : the Aristocrats : : : : :

\"The Aristocrats\" is a report from a mental journey where time plays a crucial role yet chronology is disrupted. It is a strenuous attempt at recording the tangle of thoughts, intents, and actions that arise from one another.

Shards of intimate spirituality and elusive things form a kaleidoscope that in turn gives rise to a confused story about the vulgar, about animal instincts. Pieces that are essentially songs of loving, abhorring, and anger, are pervaded by themes that are entirely impersonal; here, sex, addiction, and frustration are entwined with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Discordianism, as well as the findings of John Calhoun’s experiment. Short pornographic ecstasy exists on equal grounds with grand yearning and deepest fears, while fulfillment becomes tantamount to guilt and failure.

From an expression of jumbled, conflicting emotions and feelings, the album transforms into a kind of confession, a private cleansing ritual, a chaote’s conjuration. The immersion and entanglement are to lead to liberation.

\"The Aristocrats\" refers to a cult anti-joke; everyone knows the punchline (or so they believe) and the only thing that counts is the duration, the delivery. We all know how this ends - let’s be here together for a while then, to make this trip. A trip from a state of being torn, of no control, through hurt, panic and isolation, to acceptance and the realisation of will. For one it’s an insignificant anecdote, for another the journey of a lifetime; we will all learn something along the way.

: : : : : GODBITE : : : : :

We are a band from Szczecin, Poland, and our music is a result of various fascinations of all members; these seeds include ambitious rock music, electronica, progressive metal, but also shamanism, cinema, primal rituals, and dream logic.

In 2011 we released our demo online, and what followed was several adventurous years of live shows and searching for space of our own. By late 2015 we finished producing our debut album, \"the Aristocrats,\" which was created fully in the spirit of DIY – solely with our own methods and means. After a number of line-up changes and tests of will which taught us perseverance, perspective, and humility – we have made it here, to you. Our journey together is made possible by the interest and support from people like yourself.

We hope you like the digital version of the album. The hard copy is available on our website and via

You can help a lot by sharing our content (and later on also your own pictures with the album) and tagging it #godbite on all social media networks. Write to us; share with others; together with us, help good experiences find fertile ground and bloom.

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