So happy I FINALLY got round to playing this game!
You can be sure I will do more from this soundtrack when I can, I adored this soundtrack so much when playing through this
Decided to do my thing with it and add an aggressive and fast post hardcore edge to one of the most recognisable tracks from the game.
Did a thing where I modulated the tempo to the original track halfway through and messed with atmospheric trem picking, akin to something like Deafhaven.
The audio sample at the beginning is from Reggie Watts' instagram of Hayley Williams talking about just having fun and all that good positive shit during Paramore's set at Bonaroo this year.
Hope you guys enjoy listening to this as much as I had fun arranging it!
| GEAR |
Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio
Sterling Sub AX3
Squier Affinity Telecaster
Spector Performer 4
Line 6 Studio UX1
Podfarm 2
Boss ME-50
Addictive Drums 2
Izotope Ozone 7
Canon EOS 750D