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Bitė - Į Mus (1998) [FULL ALBUM]

Playing Next: Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - L.A.M.F. (full album, original cassette mix)
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Bitė was short-lived Lithuanian acoustic folk-rock group. They have released only one album and were never popular. It's hard to say how much they were know when this album was released, but today they are completely obscure and there are no further information about them. At least some of their songs are christian-themed, however music is pleasant to listen, cozy sounding, and is still interesting even if you dislike religious music. Nice female vocals.


1. Sugrįžk į save (come back to yourself) 00:00

2. Kad trokštu (because I crave for you) 06:12

3. Susikūrėme ugnelę (we lit up a little fire) 09:52

4. Bitelė (a small bee) 13:23

5. Tavo akyse (in your eyes) 16:10

6. Telaimina dievas (may god bless...) 19:30

7. Atversiu (I will open all the doors) 22:30

8. Tiesa (the thruth) 25:55

9. Yra kažkur... (somewhere there is...) 29:03

10. Kai mudu žaisdavom (when we played together...) 32:46

11. Ateis (it will come) 36:33

12. Į mus (to us) 41:54

13. Būk pašlovintas (be worshipped) 47:27

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