STAR FEMININE BAND est un groupe du Bénin, originaire des alentours de Natitingou et uniquement composé de jeunes filles âgées de 8 à 15 ans qui jouent, et interprètent leur propre répertoire. Leurs chansons parlent pour l'essentiel de la condition de la femme africaine, et notamment du mariage forcé, de l'excision, et de leur rêve de liberté. Leur morceau Peba est chanté en waama, et parle de la nécessite et le devoir de scolariser les filles pour devenir indépendante. Peba est le premier extrait d'un album a paraitre le 13 novembre 2020. Supporte les filles du Star Feminine Band,
Rew Be me est chanté en Peul, et est une ode à la femme, un encouragement pour réussir sa propre carrière et réussir en tant que femme.
Fais tourner !
Star Feminine Band are a group of 7 girls, aged between 10 and 17 years old, from Natitingou, a remote town in the north of Benin.
In 2016 they responded to a local radio call out to take part in a series of music training sessions. Previous experience was not neccesary. Indeed, none of the girls had come close to a guitar, microphone or drumkit before.
In just two years, with tutoring by local musician André Balaguemon, the girls rapidly honed their craft, bonded like sisters (2 of them are) and were rehearsing regularly in their studio space presented to them by the local mayor of Natitingou.
And so, completely unplanned, came an idea to record these impressive musical moments and with the help of a Frenchman Jeremy Verdier, working locally at the time.
This song REW BE ME is an incredible combination of African musical styles – from highlife and Congolese rumba – with a dash of psychedelia and rock, all with a dynamism and freedom that could only be created by the youthful and all-girl group, Star Feminine Band
REW BE ME is sung in the girls local language of PEUL and lyrically speaks about the need to allow them to be independent.
Koworobè watafou Kowawaa wadonou
Gandoumè lesito rew’bè mo
ew’bè wawalato lamibè ledime
Rew’bè wawa lato depute ledime
Rew’bè wawa lato minisi ledime
Rew’be m’mee
tohoun nane
tohoun nane
Rew’be cameroun
tohoun nane
Rew’be senegale
tohoun nane
Koworobè watafou
Kowawaa wadonou
Mouina tidora…………
Ulrisi na tidoni…………
Hele sahou redou woda………
Sandrinifi tidou woda……..
Mouina tidora…………
Ani nan tidoni…………
Hele sahou redou woda………
margueritifi tidou woda……..
souba souba souba
ina tilay
kolobo ina tilay
ina tilay
kolobo ina tilay
wayiti ko idema ea dan’ na ganbarem
houma gola éa éta hori bema
hèllo hèllo hello hello
houma tadjafa