Involutive Humanity is now up, our debut album is now available for any chemically unbalanced person. Make sure you grab yours and blast it until your ears bleed like a waterfall.
Made with nothing more than a low budget room studio (best quality we could afford, y'know), the point of this album is to experiment within the predominant heavy genres such as Death Metal using a wide range of other genres and styles mixed.
You can go from tracks like \"Society Parasite\" and \"Ash Warriors\" which are heavy blasting tracks with Deathcore alike breakdowns to more melodic-alike mixed with classic metal genres such as \"Liars Born\" and \"The Nation of Fail\". Tracks having Slam power such as \"V.I.P.\" and experimental songs with electronics such as \"Involutive Humanity\" and \"Depraved Psyche\".
The attempt of this album lies inside the fact of opening minds to other stuff rather than sticking into one single thing. So it's now all up to you, thanks for your time.