When I get bored, I play 'Stop Breaking Down'. It always comes out different, and it is the easiest song to jam on and mess about with. I have been doing lots of 're-working' other songs too, to keep myself amused and to make up for the poor response I have been getting here.
Copenhagen in Denmark has been a disappointment. I have been surprised at the amount of people who stop to listen, take photos and videos, and give me the thumbs up, but then... VERY FEW PUT MONEY IN MY GUITAR CASE. This in striking contrast with their neighbour Germany, where people go out of their way to show their appreciation, especially now, when THERE ARE NO OTHER WAYS TO SEE LIVE MUSIC.
We are here in Copenhagen because we have a 'house sitting' job. It is a great way for us to stay in one place for one or two weeks, recharge our batteries, and do some recording too. When Marga found this house sitting opportunity in the capital of Denmark, I immediately said 'YES!'. I spent quite a bit of time in Norway, some years ago, touring with my band GILES, and we were always made very welcome there. So why would Denmark be very different?
I really expected the response to be better here. It might be just this particular period, who knows. But when our house sitting job ends, on Sunday, we will head straight back to Flensburg, Germany. A busker needs to make the month of August work!
Everything played live, using the VoiceLive 3 looper and effects module, with the Korg Wavedrum for percussion and drums.