If you know me, then you'll know that Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game of all-time! Yes, it even surpasses Breath of the Wild still despite how much I've grown to love BotW, oops. And of course Wind Waker has its flaws, but a good handful of them were apparently fixed in the HD version (I say apparently because I only played the GameCube version, doubly oops).
ANYWAY, I'm rambling. When I first picked up Wind Waker and was introduced to Outset Island, I immediately fell in love with everything this game had to offer. Its vibrant color palette (even more so on the HD version), the charming character designs, and the music! AHHH THE MUSIC, especially with how peppy Outset Island is. So I did my best to give a (super-cut) retelling of how Wind Waker felt when I first played it around 15 years ago.
I hope you enjoy my cover of Outset Island
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