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Josh's Party! (FULL ALBUM)

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Hey everyone! In a sudden burst of inspiration from the Beach Boys' \"Party!\" album and a lack of things to do during quarantine, I present to you \"Josh's Party!\" This is an album of five cover songs recorded \"live\" from my basement. Every single sound on the album was played/sung/recorded by yours truly in the span of this afternoon/evening and I wanted to share it with you all! It brought a smile to my face having fun with this stuff, I hope it can do the same for your during this crazy time.


Surfin' Safari 0:27

All My Loving 2:36

Blackbird 4:53

Revolution 7:16

With A Little Help From My Friends/Hey Jude (Coda) 10:35

Thank you for listening and I hope that you're all doing well! Make sure you're washing your hands for 20 seconds at least, it's a small thing that can go a long way!

Spotify/Apple Music: Josh Dare

Instagram: joshdaremusic

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