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How to Make a Woman Want You Sexually

Playing Next: The National Fanfare Of Kadebostany - Walking With A Ghost (instumental & extended)
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Women feel sexually attracted to men who display personality traits and behaviors that mark them out as being the sort of guy who could potentially survive, thrive and prosper well in life.

For example: A man’s confidence will trigger feelings of sexual attraction inside of a woman because it suggests (to her primal attraction instincts) that he might be a good survivor and may be able to protect her and take care of her.

On the other hand, a man’s insecurity, nervousness and doubt turns a woman off because it suggests that she might need her to take care of him and protect him.

Additionally, self-doubt and insecurity suggests that he might not be able to get his way in life and may be overlooked for promotions or favor, which will then make survival harder for the both of them.

Attraction is a primal, instinctive reaction that men and women have to each other when they are around each other.

A man's initial attraction to a woman is mostly based on her appearing to be a healthy, good looking woman of breeding age.

It's a bonus if she is also a nice woman, down to Earth, intelligent, easy-going and so on, but a man's initial attraction doesn't look for that.

A man's initial attraction is all about finding a good place to plant his seed (i.e. blow inside of a woman), even if he really doesn't want to have children.

A woman's instincts looks for different things though.

Nature isn't just trying to push her towards allowing any random guy to blow inside of her.

Instead, her instincts look for a guy who would be a good survivor, potentially a good protector of their offspring.

It's a pretty basic instinct of course and it's flawed.

For example: If a guy is confident and masculine, it doesn't guarantee that he will be a good survivor and protect any offspring they may have.

Yet, her attraction instinct believes that he would likely be better at that than a guy who is insecure and soft around her.

Of course, an insecure, emotionally soft guy can do well in today's society, but attraction is a primal reaction based on survival of offspring.

The instinct takes into account the potential for civil war to break out, for him and her to be threatened, etc.

So, her instinct still wants to be with a guy who is going to be confident and emotionally masculine, compared to a guy who is self-doubting, insecure and emotionally soft.

This is why, if you want a woman to want you sexually, you need to display the kinds of personality traits and behaviors that naturally cause a woman to feel sexual attraction (i.e. traits that mark you out as a guy who could potentially survive, protect and thrive with her).

If you are looking to attract women for sex or a relationship, then you can learn that by reading The Flow, or listening to the audiobook version, The Flow on Audio:

The Flow:

The Flow on Audio:

The Flow is the easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

You can begin using it and getting results right away.

It's natural, easy to use and it works on all types of women.

Best of all, most guys don't even know about it.

Additionally, most of the guys who do find out about it don't believe it could work for them.

Use that to your advantage to enjoy your choice of women before other guys figure out how well this works and how easy it is to use.

Guys post up new success stories in the comments of my videos all the time.

You can also read loads of success stories here:

It works and it's very easy to do.

Unfortunately, most guys assume that the only way for men to make women want them sexually is to become successful in life, make a lot of money, look as handsome as they can, spend years in the gym or try to impress the woman with gifts, romantic gestures or expensive dinners or dates.

Yet, in reality, most women (not all) are very easy to attract and don't require a guy to be handsome or successful in life.

In most cases, all it usually takes is 1-2 minutes of conversation where you display attractive traits and she will interested in you in a sexual way.

When she is attracted, all you need to do then is guide her through what I call The Flow and she will be yours:

Simply follow the steps of The Flow and you and a woman will smoothly flow from one step to the next.

It's the easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend. Try it and you will see.

Enjoy the great times ahead with women!


Dan Bacon
Founder of and author of The Flow

P.S. If you are looking to make your girlfriend or wife feel more attracted to you and more in love, you can learn how to do that by watching (or listening to) Make Her Love You For Life:

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