Old mario was jumping around,
final destination like a battleground.
Then suddenly, kirby flew from the sky.
And smacked mario right there in the eye.
Mario got pissed and smash attacked
But then accidentally hit ol little mac.
Little mac turned around and strucked them with fear
When snake came out and yelled metal gear.
Snake jumped from his box and threw a grenade
But then eggman squashed them on a bot he made
While eggman and his bot were blasting everyone
Trevor came in with a giant ass gun
He began to unload on everybody at the scene
When Hagrid ran him over on his flying machine.
But that came to a halt as he saw a giant flash
As samus came down and unleashed her final smash.
This is the ultimate smashbros...the weirdest in history
Good mods, Bad mods and god who knows? the spiciest memes youll see
Is anyone still alive? These fighters are too OP.
This is the ultimate smashbros, the weirdest in history.
Mario took a lightsaber out of his hat
And fought eggman who had a home-run bat.
Genji and Hanzo then formated a team
But the duo got blasted by Mega-mans beam.
Mario was hurt and tried to eat some spaghetti
When suddenly he got rekt by mr resetti.
Amongst the chaos, Luigi began to cry.
But to his rescue came heavy weapons guy.
Heavy got pissed and revved his weapon
But he had to stop when his sandvich was threatened.
By crash who was gonna devour it all
Luigi stepped in and threw a pokeball.
Out came jigglypuff, who sung a jiggly song.
Everyone fell asleep, even donkey kong.
Captain falcon saw his chance and went in for the blow.
Nearby fox yelled HAPPY FEET? WOMBO COMBO!
This is the ultimate smashbros...the weirdest in history
Good mods, Bad mods and god who knows? the spiciest memes youll see
Is anyone still alive? These fighters are too OP.
This is the ultimate smashbros, the weirdest in history...
Then angels sang out...praying please, help us senpai
And down from nintendo, descended Sakurai.
He looked upon these mods and yelled Oh dear Lord
Quickly unsheathing his samurai sword.
He went on a rampage, chopping people down
To contest him Link, rode into town.
He took out his sword, looking all grim.
Sakurai got his keyboard and simply nerfed him.
Then inkling the girl and inkling the boy
And are you ready? Let's do this LEEEROY
And kaebora gaebora and Dora the explorer
And spongebob squarepants and chosen one: sora.
Sephiroth, Chun Li, master chief and DeDeDe
Big smoke, Professor Oak. Every single teletubbie.
Gordon freeman and the dragon Spyro.
Roy, our boi, nurse joy and RED pyro
All spawned out of nowhere lightning fast
And kod sakurai and his samurai ass
It was the craziest match in smash history
Why it all began? Its still a mystery.
The carnage dragged on for years on end
The roster diminished till finally then
All fighters out but remained one man, single.
The sexy, middled aged, mister tingle.
This is the ultimate smashbros...the weirdest in history
Good mods, Bad mods and god who knows? the spiciest memes youll see
Is anyone still alive? These fighters are too OP.
This is the ultimate smashbros(this is the ultimate smashbros)
This is the ultimate smashbros(this is the ultimate smashbros)
This is the ultimate smashbros, the weirdest in history.