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Rachel Sermanni - Tied to The Moon [Full Album] [HD]

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Rachel Sermanni's second album \"Tied To The Moon\" in its entirety. I have no rights to the music and make no money off of this video. All rights belong to Rachel Sermanni and Middle of Nowhere Recods. This is for entertainment purposes only. Please support the artist by buying the album.

Release date: July 10, 2015.

Genre: Indie, Folk



Track Listing:

1 - Run - 0:00

2 - Wine Sweet Wine - 4:43

3 - Old Ladies Lament - 8:45

4 - I've Got a Girl - 12:19

5 - Don't Fade - 16:03

6 - Tractor - 20:01

7 - Ferryman - 22:38

8 - Banks Are Broken - 27:28

9 - Begin - 30:50

10 - This Love - 34:50

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