I hope you enjoy this video. I thought I might explain a few things about what I'm doing with these videos to you. After all, it's for you and your audio-visual entertainment and pleasure.
I am an aspiring video artist or motion graphics artist or videographer. I am a videophile and audiophile. I have been doing this since circa 2010. Enough about me for now. I know it's all about you and your entertainment.
I am producing a collection of videos that have been amateur enthusiast remastered with enhancements to video and audio. All have been upscaled to UHD 4K with several effects and processes which genuinely alter the footage at a pixular level giving a genuine upscale to 4K. It is not just making a larger frame size or resolution. A lot of work goes into creating the most beautiful, pleasurable, enjoyable experience by creating as Ultra High Definition (UHD) a picture as possible. In many instances, it is like a new form of UHD. Some detail is removed when increasing the resolution to give a smoother silkier look with smooth skin. The detail is not everything though. The trade-off is for more beauty.
I know some of these vids are not the usual high quality and really High Definition you get with 4K, but my goal is to just make them as much like UHD 4K as I can. I try to not just increase the picture size but to manipulate and alter the pictures to look as 4K as possible. It really depends on the quality and definition of the video to start with. I don't just do sharpening and deinterlacing. A lot of work is done such as manipulating the contrast, and making a richer, more vibrant color. And a quality upscale to 4K using Red Giant software. Deblocking and decombing, along with other effects on Handbrake. I especially like Red Giants Magic Bullet - Looks for color correction. Deartifacting is done. I customize the tools and effects needed for each individual video. There is no set rule.
One day I might try to put up project vids showing what I do. I'm still perfecting my art for now.
I use RE:Vision Effects - Sharpen with a few settings. I especially love Neat Video for denoising. I work on Adobe Premiere mostly. I search for and get the best quality video and audio I can. The better to start with the better the end result. Before I do Neat Video, with several effects apart from denoising, I take the 4K vid and add 22% noise (sometimes more or less as required) and uncheck the - use color noise - setting, so it does not remove any picture when denoising. The advantage of this is it allows for aggressive image manipulation when using Neat Video. The results can be quite stunning. If you use pic sizes not 4K you would need to change the 22% to suit.
Another trick I have not mentioned yet is using the Unsharp Mask. If there is a problem with a low-quality picture looking a bit hazy or blurry. A heavy unsharp mask makes it look like taking an out of focus photo and bringing it into focus. It can also be used to give a very beautiful HDR (High Dynamic Range) look to the picture and colours. If there is some color there that is rich and vibrant then it can really make it pop. And that is what I try to do with the video - really make it pop. I only change one setting when using Adobe Premieres - Unsharp Mask - I change the radius to 333. It may vary but I find this really gets the job done on 4K vid. I have run it a few times occasionally, on video that was very low quality like it was way out of focus and blurry, etc.
It might start as MP4 H264 when starting the work on Handbrake. But once I get onto Premiere I choose Apple Prores 422 LT as the video format. I opt for the best quality, and the audio is 24 Bit 96 KHz uncompressed. Some people choose Prores 422 HQ but this can be over twice the file size. As it is a 3 or 4-minute vid can be 5 or 10 GB. A movie can be 100 or 200 GB. And that is the format I upload for YouTube. They then encode it to suit their platform and media player. It comes out very well too.
I'm sorry if the work is not always to today's high standards. I'm always getting better. Eventually, I hope to produce better than today's standards, as the technology and software make it possible. And I get better at it.
The audio has been upsampled to 24 Bit 96 KHz 4,608 Kbps High-Resolution Audio. Plenty of work is done on the sound too. In altering the audio significantly while upsampling it gives a genuinely higher sample. I especially love Divx Converter which enables the audio to be upsampled to DTS Hd High-Resolution Audio. It really makes it pop. Several effects are used in Premiere to really make the sound pop.
In the end, it's all about you. It's about the most pleasurable and enjoyable experience for you. I hope you enjoy these vids. If so, please like them and comment. Consider subscribing too.