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Fasba Fpel - Dark Diary VIII - Sir Lumpenstein (Full Album Video) 2015

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Dark Diary VIII: Sir Lumpenstein

I Have Always Sensed

A Great Power from the Planet

Which Is Surely the Item

Calling to Me

I Will Acquire it

And the Masses Will Worship Me

Test jams from the sessions of \"Book XXXVIII: Fiddle About\" through \"Book XLIII: Bonell Canyon\"

Recorded between 14 January 2015 and 08 February 2015

Released 27 April 2015


Donny Smudge - Sounds

Huck Mendoza - Sounds

Sean Juan Wilde - Sounds

Zandra Zupan - Sounds on Track 1

Mondi Taylor - Sounds on Track 1

Scruffy - Sounds on Track 2

Kendrick Zane - Sounds on Track 3

Balls Capone - Sounds on Track 4

Bonnie St. John - Sounds on Track 5

Canyon Jack Elliot - Sounds on Track 6

Brian Bonell - Sounds on Track 6

Leisl Bonell - Sounds on Track 6

Travis Cross - Master of Gleeoo

Kyle Snyder - Scruff Helper (Tracks 1, 3, 4 and 6)

Jez Roberts - Appearance Enhancement (Tracks 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6)

Jersey - Appearance Enhancement (Track 3)

Geed Wilde - Visual Captivity (Tracks 3 and 5)

Line Master - Visual Captivity (Tracks 4 and 6)

Violet - Visual Captivity (Tracks 1 and 5)

Jordan Hunt - Visual Captivity (Track 1)

Jersey - Visual Captivity (Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6)

Colton Nielson - Visual Captivity (Track 6)

Nananana Lightman - Flashings (Tracks 3, 4 and 6)

Jersey - Atmospheric Color Fades (Track 5)

Album art by Sean, Huck, Donny, and Jersey


Zandra has played with many people, follow her at:

Listen to Mondi's band with Zandra, Siren State at:

Listen to Scruffy's very old solo project, Atlas Shrugged at:

Kendrick is currently working on an album produced by Tom Hopkins

Listen to Balls Capone's band Son of Ian at:

Listen to Bonnie's band Vagablonde at:

Listen to Canyon's band Folk Hogan at:

Listen to Leisl and Brian's band Juana Ghani at:


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