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The Weathermen - The Crew (FULL ALBUM) + Download Link.

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01. The weather report - 0:00:00 - 0:04:16

02. Oh shit - 0:04:16 - 0:07:35

03. The only weathermen song - 0:07:35 - 0:14:27 *** [ MORE INFO OF THIS SONG: ] ***

04. Gut you original - 0:14:27 - 0:18:26

05. Sunday night at moms - 0:18:26 - 0:22:28

06. Mic fight - 0:22:28 - 0:26:17

07. With us - 0:26:17 - 0:29:29

08. Hell sent - 0:29:29 - 0:33:58

09. Lightts outts - 0:33:58 - 0:37:57

10. Hmmmm, brilliant - 0:37:57- 0:41:24

11. Bubble gum crisis - 0:41:24 - 0:45:27

12. Camu - 0:45:27 - 0:48:49

13. Toto's shit - 0:48:49 - 0:51:15

14. Non fiction - 0:51:15 - 0:57:12

15. Weathermen cypher - 0:57:12 - 1:18:07

Link of download:!YsEW1Tab!jqa1CAlfjRwBsE_Phrf-H7S0dJzMbcgKwneiItxkVUE

The Weathermen is an American hip hop group, formed in 1999 in New York City, New York, composed of East Coast rappers and producers Aesop Rock, Tame One, Cage, Yak Ballz, El-P, and Breeze Brewin. The group took its name from the revolutionary organization Weatherman, and sometimes refers to itself as the \"New Left\". Former members include Jakki da Motamouth, Masai Bey, Copywrite (who left due to personal differences with Cage), Vast Aire (He left due to many different reasons), and the late Camu Tao (who died of lung cancer). After the death of Tao, Cage revealed The Weathermen would no longer release any material.

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