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'Unlovable' full album

Playing Next: Verbz & Mr Slipz - Lessons Of Adolescence [Full Album]
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Recorded live at Lightning Recorders, Berlin 2018

Engineered by Axel Praefcke

Produced by Saudia Young

No Fun: Arranged by Moe Jaksch

All songs are sung by Saudia Young

'No Good Lover' featuring: Daniel Dodd Ellis vocals

Cover photo: Andreas Hubertus Ilse

Coverart: Itchy5

Copyright 2018 Saudia Young all rights reserved*

*All copyrights and ancillary copyrights reserved, no unauthorized copying, rental, performance, broadcasting. Made in Germany copyright Saudia Young 2018-LC Singapore13831

* All covers licensed via GEMA

Thank you to all the rhythm & blues songwriters and storytellers who created these songs and the cultural legacy, all of the musicians I have worked with over the years, all of the IndieGoGo-supporters, Mom, Family, friends, Music Nanny, the 17 Hippies and the star-filled universe!

Unlovable 0:00. written by Saudia Young+Thilo Hornschild

No Fun 2:32. written by Iggy Pop

Let's Pretend 5:58. written by Saudia Young+Florian von Frieling

Hey, Baby Hey 9:47

Messing With the Kid 12:36. written by Mel London

You Can't Judge a Book by its​ Cover 15:30 written by Willie Dixon

Chicks go Crazy 18:17. written by Saudia Young+April Walz+Puck Lensing

No Good Lover 20:50 written by Mickey Baker+Sylvia Robinson

Blind 23:59 written by Saudia Young+Tex Morton

Violence 28:47 written by Saudia Young+Tex Morton

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