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Matthew Fowler, "Leaving Home, Looking Back," // GemsOnVHS

Playing Next: Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (1968)
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When I found myself in Marquette, Michigan visiting songwriter John Davey, our mutual friend and wonderful songwriter Matt Fowler was there to play a show. I was happy to spend some time with them both, and we wandered down to the shores of Lake Superior one afternoon to watch the sun set over the giant ore dock. Even in closing days of September, it was bitterly cold water. I never swam in my short time there, though John Davey did jump in for a frigid dip, which looked quite refreshing.

Matthew is recording a new record, his biggest musical move yet, which i'm quite excited to see him find his way to completion. A fun side note, Matt sang harmonies on Forever Gold, the song on the Hill Country Devil's record, Nicotine and China White. The world of the traveling troubadour is smaller than most.

Find his spotify ( or Facebook page ( or Bandcamp (
The link to his kickstarter is

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GemsOnVHS is a long running series of intimate, off-stage performances by songwriters we love.
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