I was glued to my TV when I first started Bowser's Fury. I honestly don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect what felt like a Super Mario Odyessy quality Mario experience, albeit, shorter of course. I had an absolutely blast getting all 100 shines within 24 hours of installing the game (with some time to play 3D World with Adriana in there too!), but the real reason I was excited to dig into this was the trailer that was released and about a million messages immediately asking if I was going to cover this once it was heard.
I've always been iffy on covering things that are already metal, it takes a lot of the creative process out and some of the reward for getting to hear a composition ramped up in intensity. Lately, I've been really trying to let go of that and find that songs like this have their fun in the playing rather than the production as they're actually written for the instrument I'm playing it with (wow, imagine that). This was a lot of fun and I tried to still ramp up the intesity with it.
I usually go with someone else for vocals, but I think I'm finally reaching a point of saying f*ck it and just going for stuff like this even if I don't feel confident. I did vocals for my Red Dead Redemption 2 cover mostly as a joke, but people seemed to really enjoy them and also the back up vocals I did for Devil Trigger and Rules of Nature. Maybe this will be my inevitble break into doing vocals more often! Let me know in the comments how you liked this cover. Be sure to subscribe and all that and I'll see you next week!
Oh btw, I have no idea what the lyrics are... Here's what I sang that kinda sounded like the original (it doesn't make much sense, sorry):
Jump right into calamity
You cannot defeat what you can't behold
You cannot see calamity gold
being torn by, Did you forgot the way home
You're right to fear, they're going to come
Take our, exclude the petty, they've been gone
Take light to key, I'll bet you do
You're too unto my into me to go
So why these people's contempt
A tease just giving us a fight
Watch the methods, I'll find you
Back, back, go free
And then I'll take you the sun
It's all conspiracies of fun
But watchem kitty kitty kitty kitties
While she'll be slanderous WOW