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Super Style Oppas for Nintendop 3DStyle & Psyii U - A Stylish Soundtrack [Full Album]

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Op-riginal release date: April 1/8, 2015 || Download:!x191GAaR!aonlX_s4npfp1d0iDyrXmUXoXWv2AWqTNWaEtDnS7gI

Tracklist [Red Disc]:

00:00 01. Kyun! Super Style Gangnamenu

02:12 02. How to Cure a Hangover

04:12 03. Gangnam Theme & Undergentleman Theme (Super Gangnamario Oppas)

06:28 04. Super Minaj 3D Land Theme & Gangnam Beach Theme

08:27 05. Psy, Psy Again

10:17 06. Down With The Gangnam Jungle

12:51 07. Gangnam Brambles Divide

15:12 08. Dirty Gangnarudo Valley

17:30 09. Full Style Ahead (Spirit Styles)

19:56 10. Brinstyle

21:40 11. Oppstacle Course (Psyring & Psymmer)

23:09 12. Gangnam Greens

25:13 13. Coppaneria

26:30 14. Style Wolf's Theme & Sector PSY

28:42 15. Trainer Style! (PokΓ©mon seXy lady & PokΓ©mon PSY)

30:53 16. Break Stuff in Psy's Castle

33:09 17. Let the Bodies Hit Mute Psyty

35:16 18. PSYd (I Have My Own Purpose Now)

37:33 19. Wrath op the Gangnam Bomb

39:59 20. Call Me Dark Psy

42:07 21. Ashleyyy's Song (Korean)

44:41 22. Tortimer Psyland Medley

46:55 23. Opp'n in the House

49:13 24. Return of the Mac & Gangnam Countdown

51:24 25. Gangnam Plain (Cenablade Chronicles)

53:54 26. You Will Know Our Styles (feat. Death Grips) [Remastered]

57:54 27. Crank That Balloon Style

1:00:12 28. Party Bathtime Style

1:02:35 29. Style the World, Sexy Ladies!

1:04:44 30. Oppadachi Circulation

1:06:56 31. GENTLE-MAN (Club Mix)

1:09:00 32. Optris Type Eyyy

1:11:10 33. Fist of the Multi-Gentleman Style!!

1:13:45 34. Dinosaur Trophy Style

1:16:20 35. Credits Style

1:18:35 36. Sorry, Psy's Done Practicing Online.

[Blue Disc]

1:19:54 01. Rules op the Gangnamfield

1:21:56 02. Super Gangnamario Oppas Medley

1:24:16 03. Stylish Theme & Dani Gangnamfornia Theme (New Super Gangnamario Oppas 2)

1:26:18 04. Gangnam Planet

1:28:27 05. Circuit Style (Gangnam Kart 7)

1:30:33 06. Gangnam Getaweyyy

1:33:02 07. Gangnam Black Eyed Kongs Return

1:35:15 08. Lucy in the Skyward Sword with Gangnamhim

1:37:24 09. Gangnam Theme & Oppaworld Theme (The Legend op Zelda)

1:39:51 10. The Legend of Jay-Z - Opparina op Psyme

1:41:54 11. Psyrule Temple

1:44:49 12. Gangnametroid Title

1:47:00 13. Yoshi's Style [Best Ending]

1:49:56 14. The Gangnam Cave Oppansive

1:52:17 15. The Gentlemanly Nuclear Style Machine

1:54:04 16. Theme from 6 Rules & Misstyle Gentleman

1:56:07 17. Style! Team Gangnam

1:58:19 18. Style! Gangnam Champion Shia LaBeouf

2:00:34 19. Gangnam Route 6

2:02:31 20. Style 1 (Psyre Emblem Gangnamden)

2:04:39 21. Destroyed Psyworld

2:06:55 22. Gangnamcant Theme & Two Billion Melodies

2:09:11 23. Angel Psyland (Ragyo 3 & Knuckles)

2:11:33 24. Megangnam Man vs. Dragonforce Man

2:13:44 25. Fallin' Gentlemin

2:15:59 26. Psynoblade Chronicles Medley

2:18:16 27. Psyza & Title (Gangnamal Crossing Psyty Folk & Gangnamal Crossing Styled World)

2:20:37 28. Gentlemanly Tour (Gangnamal Crossing New Style)

2:22:54 29. Duck Style Medley

2:25:13 30. Firestyling Plane

2:27:34 31. The Stylish Murapsyme Castle Medley

2:29:44 32. Psyii Nigga Plaza

2:31:55 33. Hard in Da Gangnamario Paint


2:36:05 35. Spinnin' Records presents Pac-Man (feat. PSY)

2:38:16 36. Mastyle aLIEz

2:40:35 37. Row, Row, Style the Credits!

2:43:13 38. Super Style Oppas Macaroni

2:44:23 39. Results of the Wisps' Style

2:45:13 40. Heaven's Symphony [Bonus Track]

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