\"King Weird is a heavy sludge prog rock band from Helsinki, Finland, formed in 2007 to deliver the goods.. If heavy riffs, grooves and melodic vocals are your thing we dare you to give us a listen. We are unique and stand behind it.\" ~ KING WEIRD
Deathrattle Podcast isn't all about crushing doom or rampant death and recently I've been hooked on the resurgent prog scene which, over the past year has infiltrated parts of the underground music scene I never imagined would happen. The reason I've become so hooked on this style is that unlike 'prog' rock/metal of old which tended to be 'noodly' and by and large lacked substance, the modern prog style interweaves around a solid metal/rock riff. This perfectly describes the music released by KING WEIRD. Watertight song structures gives each song a rocking groove and along with keyboards that are kept firmly in the background, gives 'The Illusion' plenty of weight that counterbalances the ELP like melodious passages that permeate throughout the album, particularly on the title track.
This is a hugely enjoyable, hard rockin' album. ~DEATHRATTLE PODCAST
There is a new single from an incoming album due soon.