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Scary Street Stabber FULL ALBUM

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Ugh. I regret ever making this album. This started off as a personal thing, just making bad music, exploring what I could do. I had the GENIUS idea to compile my HORRIBLY RECORDED, POORLY WRITTEN SONGS into an album. I honestly hate this album and everything it stands for. I've gone back and forth between if I should release this or not and I've finally decided to man up and release it. The reason these songs are all jokes is because I can hide behind the \"It's a joke don't take it seriously excuse\". I actually took the songs seriously when making them but it's pretty evident i'm not the greatest at music. If you make it through this whole album in one listening you deserve a purple heart. If this gets more than 100 views I will feel guilty. The fact that 100 people would have seen THIS SAD EXCUSE FOR AN ALBUM would break me. If this album ruins your day I am sorry. Anyways here are the track times

Explanation: 0:03

Scary Street Stabber 1:36

A World Where Raisin Bread Does Not Exist 6:08


I'm Out Of Milk 15:37

Adventure... 19:36

Red Paint 21:43

Don't Steal My Cheese 27:19

Cereal Killer 33:10

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