I don't own any content! Just sharing to bring smiles! :)
This is your captain speaking; I'd like to welcome you aboard this Eurovision flight
The duration will be 3 minutes exactly now sit back, relax and enjoy the flight
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
Duty free madam?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
We're flying the flag all over the world - Flying the flag for you
London to Berlin!
All the way from Paris to Tallinn
Helsinki on to Prague
Don't matter where we are yeah yeah ye-ah
Flying high in Amsterdam !
Why don't you catch us if you can
Now we're cruising in the sky
And we're singing it for you
We're flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you
Would you like a complimentary drink with your meal sir?
We're flying the flag all over the world
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Flying the flag for you wow!!!
Ladies and; Gentlemen, your exits are located here, here and here
To fasten your seatbelt insert the fitting
To use the life vest, slip it over your head
Pull firmly on the red cord and blow into the mouthpiece
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
We wish you a very, pleasurable journey,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
We're flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you
We're flying the flag all over the world - yes we're flying - take you all around the world
Flying the flag for you
Would you like something to suck on for landing sir?
We're flying the flag all over the world - yes we're flying - take you all around the world
Flying the flag for you:)