This was actually one of my first doujin albums i ever listened to, back in 2010. I still remember dl'ing it and listening and it just blew me away with how fantastic all the tracks are. Eventually i lost the hdd i had the album on, and wasn't able to rediscover the album until 2015.
After some time searching, i was finally able to acquire the album earlier in october. i asked Armatek if i could share the album, since it has basically disappeared from the internet, and he said it was cool. There's one DL link available (afaik) but i'm not sure if it's still active.
i'm not even certain if it's on the TLMC (it might be, but i haven't used that in like 3-4 years, and at the time, i only DL'ed Alstroemeria Records), but if it is, it's definitely worth downloading.
Anyways, here's the complete album. I hope that you enjoy it as much as i do. It's definitely one of my top 10.