Only the born-again Christians know that the Lord has done marvelous things. The Lord has perfectly saved us with His baptism and bloodshed on the Cross. And no one can write or compose a new song He would accept except them. And no one can learn the new songs except those who were redeemed from the sins of the world (Revelation 14:3).
Here we are presenting new gospel songs for all the born-again Christians of the world. These Spirit-filled songs are absolutely original.
We are going to add new songs as soon as possible.
If you find anything to be corrected in the words of the songs, feel free to contact us by email (
Jesus my Lord Jesus my Lord I praise Your name as the Almighty
Born again souls by water and blood praise the name of the Almighty
All my sins were passed on to the Lord when John the Baptist laid hands on the Lord
Jesus took all my burdens of sin shedding His blood and dying for me
Jesus took all my sins away I do not have sin any more
Born again souls by water and blood praise the name of the Almighty