Pasini-Pilia duo was born on an August afternoon of 2012, during a successful improvisation session aimed at achieving a musical experience without any coordinate or previous scheme. Despite totally different musical backgrounds and never having played together before, the two musicians found a strong agreement in free improvisation. This convinced them to pursue a shared research project and complete the first series of recordings with a second impro session by January 2013. “Northern Lights” flows from a common passion for Northern Europe landscapes, which freely inspired most of their songs. Recalling the fascinating phenomenon of the aurora borealis, the album offers a collection of eight instant composition pieces for flute and classical guitar.
Daniele Pasini – flautist, saxophonist and composer – starts at a young age to study the flute, performing with his father, an organist, at prestigious international festivals of classical and baroque music in Europe and South America.
Raffaele Pilia – guitarist, composer and co-founder of the Julia Ensemble project – wrote music for soundtracks and works as musician, producer and sound engineer for numerous musical projects ranging from alternative rock to jazz and contemporary music.
- ziklibrenbib: “La musicalité de ces morceaux nous plonge dans un univers magique, très coloré et riche de sonorités particulières en sons expérimentaux.”
- Music Won’t Save You: “Il panismo sonoro dei due artisti rivela anzi un proprio calore intrinseco, generato da una sequenza di incastri armonici dalle cui intersezioni discendono ora florilegi arcadici ora smussati spigoli di decostruzionismo jazzy.”
- NetMusic Life: “Si sente la solitudine di località difficilmente raggiungibili, poche impronte abbandonate su una terra dura e ghiacciata”
- Oìr para creer: “La Bel netlabel es un sello bien peculiar…ocho composiciones para flauta y guitarra clàssica inspiradas en los paisajes del norte de Europa y en las auroras boreales” -