Do you hate the sound of your singing voice? You’re not alone. There are so many people who cringe whenever they hear their own voice played back on a recording. And some people don’t even like hearing their voice when they talk, let alone sing.
If this is you, and you’d like to become a little more comfortable with the sound of your own voice, then keep watching because by the end of this video you’ll have experienced your voice in a whole new way. I know you’re going to love it!
Trust me when I say, ‘You can learn to love, yes LOVE, the sound of your own voice!’ Now, that’s a big claim. I mean LOVE sits at the opposite end of the spectrum to hate right. So how do we swing your pendulum from one extreme to the other? Well, it all starts with a little bit of knowledge and some simple vocal activity’s, both of which I’m going to give you in this video.
-- References --
Abitbol, J. (2006). Odyssey of the voice. San Diego, CA: Plural
Miller, R. (2004). Solutions for singers: Tools for performers and teachers. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Shewell, C. (2009). Voice work: Art and science in changing voices. West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Titze, I. R. (2000). Principles of voice production (2nd Printing ed.). Iowa City, IA: National Center for Voice and Speech.
Titze, I. R., & Abbott, K. V. (2012). Vocology: The science and practice of voice habilitation. Salt Lake City, UT: National Center for Voice and Speech. p. 345–351.
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And a small side note (because I'm asked a lot): It is important to note that while I hold a doctorate (thus I am Dr Dan), I am not a medical doctor, and the advice provided in this video is generalised information only. Therefore you should always consult with your licensed health care professional for personalised advice about your vocal health and well-being. #DrDan
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