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Uncle Rusty Android Squeezes a Big Lump of Ore Out of his Exhaust Pipe (short heavy Lump version)

Playing Next: Jeff Mills - The Fear As We Know It
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well once up on a very ancient time before you where born there was this robotic Android, we can just call him Uncle Rosty Andriod if you like or dislike it, when he was taking a metallic crap, his robot neigbours were always extremly annoyed because of the extreme noise his pipes made while squeezing his copper ore from his shiny polished butt...

one day he had eaten a well balanced dinner consisting of silicon, some cogs, screws and a hammer and some smalle circuits, he was feeling very happy and saticefied, but then he felt a crap comming on so he went very fast to the toilet but before he reached it he exploded and killed several of his unsuspecting and unprepared neighbours, even this day you can hear the neighbours gossiping about his extremly noisy flatulence and final explosion and death by incineration...

the Devil refused him so his silicon soul was sendt to pluto where he still roams...

long live Uncle John Cage and Kraftwerk...
we are midget standing on fallen giants shoulders...

Peace and Noise!

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