A sax cover of Kirby's iconic Green Greens (with some Grasslands 1 mixed in), both from the Kirby series (Grasslands 1 is from Kirby's Dreamland 3).
Green Greens is probably one of the most well-known songs in the entire Kirby roster...so as a video game music hipster, I didn't want to cover it. But as I was going through other Kirby songs, I noticed something very interesting -- Grasslands 1 from Kirby's Dream Land 3 sounds pretty close to Green Greens!
I noticed that these two songs and another -- Vegetable Valley -- have served as a few games' first level songs. As if Kirby starts his day and adventure with a relentlessly fun, happy march.
Why is Kirby so happy? Why is Kirby music almost always so childlike? Kirby: Right Back At Ya establishes that Kirby is a young child...perhaps even a baby. (And with his only word being \"Poyo\" and variants thereof, this is believable.)
Yet...Why is a baby fighting all sorts of hellish fields? Why does a baby have almost limitless power to swallow and integrate enemy abilities? This led me to one line I found from the Kirby wiki that I had missed:
\"Tiff deduces that Kirby may have been a monster created by Nightmare Enterprises during a conversation between Tuff, herself, and Kabu in Kirby's Duel Role, but no other event in the series or the games either confirms or denies this possibility.\"