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Various - Killed By Meth #3 (Full Album)

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It's Trash Records (2018)

1. S.L.I.P - Killed By Meth 00:00

2. Sweet Milk - Nervous 01:45

3. Obnox - Scenicide (Off The Meter) 03:54

4. Knowso - Energy Accident 07:18

5. The Resource Network - Fix My Hair 09:35

6. Werewolf Jones - False Prophet 11:36

7. Lost System - Late At Night 14:27

8. Ouija Boys - Rolls Royce 19:00

9. Beauticians - Mouse Or Man 20:46

10. Wlmrt - Deathsticks Ruined My Life 23:25

11. Deathsticks - In The Motors 25:13

12. Mr. Clit and the Pink Cigarettes - Six Licks 27:28

13. Fatal Figures - Brain Obsess 29:16

14. Muzzy - L.I.E. 33:36

15. The Dracu-lahs - Tennessee 35:14

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