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Fractal Universe - A Clockwork Expectation (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

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Fractal Universe - A Clockwork Expectation
Directed by Vincent Tournaud
Shot at Gouffre de Poudrey, France's largest equipped cave!
\"We wanted this music video to be shot in a grandiose natural environment. It was a unique and unreal experience to spend two days all alone in the extreme conditions - seventy meters underground, 7C - of this otherworldly beautiful location. In the middle section, we used UV light and customized the instruments accordingly, to give that part a particular dark vibe! The body-painting parts contributing to that atmosphere were designed by Kazim 2C.\"

Thanks to Le Moloco, La Poudrire & Les Eurockennes for their support.

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The light breeze skims along the snow mantle scattered
Over the thornless clockwork of aurora

Still (lifeless) between my frostbitten dreams I hold
The pharmakon that fell
With an unborn creativity

Torn apart between that beam of might
And this deadly command
We shall worship with wordless sighs
This offering of pain

For behind the mirrors that darkened those last sacred remains
We foreshadowed the shape of every graveyard's expectations

Still (lifeless) between my frostbitten dreams I hold
The pharmakon that fell
With an unborn creativity

The eukaryotic quest
Of a scared vanity
Let this horizontal concern
Being for prophecy...

To the falls of the earth

Still (lifeless) between my frostbitten dreams I hold
The pharmakon that fell
With an unborn creativity

#fractaluniverse #theimpassablehorizon #aclockworkexpectation

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