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New Note Block Instruments - 1.12 Snapshot Song

Playing Next: Uka Unyotore ngoro by Ben Githae
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I heard about the new instruments for 1.12 two days ago and went a bit nuts, wrote a song, built it (RIP sleep), and here ya go. Text shows where the instrument is being played and what block it's played on. Clay for bell is river clay, not mesa clay. Just wanted to give you guys a chance to hear what they sound like.

(PS if you're a musician using Ableton, try putting the .ogg instrument files in Simpler/Sampler, you can play your midikeyboard using the mc sounds! Very helpful. Use the Note Length plugin set to 2 seconds to make it play the full clip. BPM for MC should be 75 since it's 10 t/s. I still wrote it into Note Block Studio afterwards to see how many times to punch. For Simpler, use Midi Effects - Pitch and lower it by 18.)

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