The Icecream Sandwich from Hell is a non-existent game with a battle system based around rhythm and music. The game is about a man who, for some greatly needed cash, agrees to be experimented on (we're gonna call this man Mr. Jingles). He is required to eat a icecream sandwich. The scientists conducting the experiment admit to not knowing the origin of this dessert. How could an icecream sandwich do anything bad? Turns out this icecream sandwich causes some pretty major hallucinations.
The first level is based around a girl's innocence and well...puberty. The land is a light pink, the sky an even lighter shade of pink. The terrain is littered with cupcakes, candy and some pretty feisty critters. Confused and almost helpless, Mr. Jingles fights his way out of this \"hell\", only to be soon met with one even more disgusting and cheery.
1- Dog Days 0:00
This one wasn't really meant for the album but it still fit the aura and instruments. The reason for putting it in is that I'm afraid it will be a while before I can actually put it somewhere, and that by then it would be outdated. As for the purpose for creation, I wanted to play with noise samples and it turned out pretty well. It also reminds me of Jeopardy.
2 - 5 Second Rule 3:03
A puzzle theme, the title referring to the good ol' excuse for not wasting food. Also implying a timed puzzle, with more than five seconds to complete of course!
3- Taffy 1:41
I named this one Taffy because taffy is usually at the bottom of the bag, and it fit the theme and vibe that this song has, This one was an attempt at a puzzle theme, though since it turned out more emotional, it didn't cut it. Even with that, I simply turned in the direction I was skidding off to, and ended up with something pretty great.
4 - Mr. Jingles 6:33
Not much to say here as I've already uploaded this one with a description. Plays during the prologue of the game.
5 - The Pane of Pain 8:10
I wanted to start on the next level's theme, the next level being a spa, though this turned out awfully dark and too close on the side of rock. The next album in the Icecream Sandwich from Hell will be focused on this spa level.
6 - Fur Frenzy! 10:27
An uncommon battle theme, under the event of an ambush. I really like the 80s vibe I ended up with in this one.
7 - Small Cat Adventures 12:38
Common battle theme, \"Small Cat\" referring to the monsters (which are essentially cat heads with legs) that you get to kick, punch and verbally abuse.
8 - Sweet, Sweet Girlhood! 15:43
Boss theme for one of those pink cat monsters, except this one has arms and uses a giant tampon as a weapon (hence the name).
9 - TBotV 18:19
The Back of the Van, the final world theme. I abbreviated it to avoid confusion with the not-that-great original theme. I tried to focus on the determination and grit of a 2D platformer (which this non-existent game would've been).