Presenting the first official release from Doc Isaac, with a guaranteed 40% of songs having Street Fighter references! Please enjoy the nerdy snack in the form of \"Attract Mode\"!
Special Thanks: Mom for putting up with all my dumb stuff, Aaron & Jodi Littleton (& Celeste too!), Tcat Rutherford, David May, Charles Hompesch and the rest of the HompCo Crew, Einstein Simplified, Everyone at Friendlytown, Brenden Strange, Engulfed in Blackness, Mass Driver, Realm, Deconbrio, Hard Knox Roller Girls (HK! RG!), RetroCollect, Capcom Vs. SNK 2 (Blanka's still broken) and everyone who was confused when a dude with a game boy opened up for a bunch of doom metal bands. Thanks for stickin' around!