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Novum Vox Mortis - Solistitium Records Compilation - 1997 - full album

Playing Next: Ahret Dev - Hellish (1997) [FULL ALBUM]

Novum Vox Mortiis - Solistitium Records Compilation - 1997 - full album

1. Helheim - En Forgangen Tid

2. Helheim - Vinterdoden

3. Helheim - Nidr ok Nords liggr Helvegr

4. Behemoth - With spell of Inferno - Mefisto

5. Behemoth - Hidden in the fog

6. Horna - Hiidentorni huokui usvansa

7. Horna - Sinulle, mataneva Jehova

8. Nattvindens Grat - The road goes ever on

9. Nattvindens Grat - Sleep Eternal

10. Isvind - Stille sjel

11. Isvind - As rane comes down

12. Darkwoods My Betrothed - When ancient spirits battled

13. Darkwoods My Betrothed - Hymn of the darkwoods

14. Forbidden Site - Dark embrance

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