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Schizophrenia - Musical Simulation

Playing Next: Rotimi - What's the Cost (Audio)
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TRIGGER WARNING, these simulations can be very sensitive.

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder in which an individual experiences mainly auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia and delusions. Many people believe them to be crazy, but in reality they cannot control the voices in their head, and some of the time their voices aren't there. They are still humans, they still feel and think the same way, but just have a distorted view of reality. These hallucinations can become a barrier in social interactions and relationships, making it hard for them to live peacefully.

After months of extensive research (analyzing art pieces, songs, visual and auditory simulations, information, documentaries, plays and interviewing a licensed psychologist) I have finally finished my Personal Project, two musical simulations on two very common yet misunderstood mental disorders.

Please close your eyes, use earphones, put the volume at an appropriate level and stop the simulation at any time of discomfort.

Our world is very ignorant to mental illness, creating many taboos upon them. People tend to judge others who have them because they do not understand what they are going through. I created two short simulations that communicates a snapshot of their life through music. All phrases used in the simulations are phrases heard or spoken by people with the disorders.

Disclaimer - I am not diagnosed with any of the disorders present in my simulations, nor am I a trained psychologist. The simulations are only to help people understand a glimpse of a schizophrenic's or bulimic/anorexic's life through musical representation. Please remember that these are not accurate simulations, as no one can know what it feels like, but the people who are experiencing it.

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