Animation Domination High-Def is a block of cartoons that air every Saturday on FOX at 11PM/10c and all over the Internet all the time.
Writer: Heather Anne Campbell (
Storyboard Director: Matt Marblo
Music/Composition: David Schmoll
Voice Talent: Heather Anne Campbell
Animation: Garrett Davis, Sean Glaze/LordSpew, Sean Solomon, Matt Marblo
Design: Julia Srednecki, Derek Kirk Kim, Amanda Winterstein, Marcos Cohen, Miranda Tacchia, Violet Bruce
Editor: Richard Sanchez
- Spiders are covered in hair; spiders' feet end in 624,000 hairs for climbing. (A. Martin, Institute for Technical Zoology and Bionics in Bremen, Germany.)
- Spiders have four pairs of eyes. (Ruppert, E. E., Fox, R. S., and Barnes, R. D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology (7 ed.)
- A spider's web strands come from what are known as spinnerets. These are four cone-shaped projections at the rear tip of the abdomen near the vent. (Craig, C. L. (1997).
- \"Evolution of arthropod silks\". Annual Review of Entomology)
- Male-male courtship display has been observed in several spiders in the families Salticidae and Lycosidae. (Bristowe, 1929)
- An average of 250 spiders are found during a human autopsy, living in the endocrine system. (Chicago, IL; East Coast autopsies reveal more spiders)
- Spiders and Milk Production. (Fun Facts About Spiders, see also The Elaborate Structure of Spider Silk; Lin Römer and Thomas Scheibel)
- Spiders penises detach when mating. (Welsh, Huffington Post, 2012)
- Spiders' guts are too narrow to take solids, and they liquidize their food by flooding it with digestive enzymes and grinding it with the bases of their pedipalps, as they do not have true jaws. (Wikipedia)