Track 2/7, from What Wind Whispered To The Trees (Futuresequence FS013).
Hazy sonic layers fit perfectly the atmosphere of this track, picturing the decaying sun slowly meeting the horizon before disappearing completely to only show again the next day.
During these last minutes of light, the sun reflects in the golden clouds and the mirror of the lake beneath, animating as long as possible the star at the whim of the wind and the wavelets on the surface of the water.
A melancholic loop of violin melody reminds us nevertheless that we can't stop time and prevent the sun from hiding behind the mountains ; the more the fireball gets closer to the line of the land, the further the melody goes.
A track made to contemplate and appreciate the simplest things, especially as they are not eternal.
Do not regret the past and do not repel the future, light will come again in the darkest times.
Enjoy folks, and if you feel like it, I'd like you to share your sensations too, here in the comments section or on my Facebook page at
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This video is uploaded only in a promotional purpose, as I do not own any rights on this music. All rights reserved to Siavash Amini and Futuresequence.
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