




445,329 Albums + 604,843 Individual Songs

BEiTTHEMEANS - Shotgun Radio (2004 - Full Album)

Playing Next: Hybrid L - Face Me Not (2004) (Full Album)

Heavy Alternative Southern Punk Rock bands self released album. They are from Birmingham, AL. The name comes from the southern saying \"be it the means\" which loosely translates to 'whatever it takes.' Be-it-the-means can be summarized as just that; the means to an end, to the beginning, brutal truths in the shape of music. The story of the music is felt down to the core, to the soul of the listener. Punctuated by diverse guitar and bass rhythms, the abrasively- gripping lyrics sends the listener down that dirt road to see the realness of their story. Buy here

\"01. Blown Up Doll\" 0:00

\"02. 1000 Miles\" 4:01

\"03. Shotgun Radio\" 8:08

\"04. Polly Graph\" 12:12

\"05. Cain And Abel\" 15:04

\"06. Kitty Pride\" 20:31

\"07. Grasy Spoons\" 23:57

\"08. Devil's Rope\" 28:34

\"09. Better Mistakes\" 33:30

\"10. Scratch & Bleed\" 37:07

\"11. Conditional Toys\" 41:01

\"12. Here's 2 You\" 45:33

\"13. Mine\" 49:33

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