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Simona Ventura gets over excited as David Performs Cactus / Everyone Says Hi & gets interviewed Broadcast Oct 6th 2002 on Quelli che il calcio on Rai 2 Channel.
Perhaps this is Bowie's last appearance on Italian TV. It's 2002, \"Heathen\" has just been released and to promote it to Quelli that the football (then led by Simona Ventura) decides to perform the cover of Cactus by Pixies, present in the record, and Everyone Says Hi , the real single. Between a song and another, a particularly emotional Simona Ventura (memorable the scene in which she literally throws herself at Bowie's feet) realizes an interview that apart from broken English certainly appears more centered than that of Celentano. Eventually Gene Gnocchi gets a CD signed. Simona Ventura presents it as: \"This is old collegue\".
I must mention How Smoking hot the Marvellous Gail Ann Dorsey Looks here very striking

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Love on ya MT
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This video is dedicated to the principals behind the rock against racism movement
Rock Against Racism was a groundbreaking movement which staged marches, festivals and concerts from 1976-81 with the aim of fighting racism through music
MTRudeBoy claims no rights to sound or vision Footage used to Pay Respect & Honour Britain's Greatest ever solo artist

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