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BOOK OF AIR FIELDTONE (Full Album) ⎟g r a n v a t⎟

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1 SHEN sow tyray 00:00

2 SHILLE gwer canne 18:43

3 PHIO beres 35:18

4 O chiba ram ren 51:30

BOOK OF AIR is a series of bundled compositions for improvised music, exploring the parameters of sound and time. FIELDTONE is the first chapter.

FIELDTONE refers to ‘roomtone’:

Roomtone is the “silence” recorded at a location or space when no music is played or dialogue spoken. Every room is different, and these recordings always carry their unique character.

The compositions of FIELDTONE are inspired by the tempo and

sonic textures of specific nature locations.

The sound to be found in nature has a very slow groove. A groove embedded by silence, and so slow it can almost only be felt while spending a few hours in the nature at sea, during a forest trip, in open fields, ... It is this groove and the “silence” of nature that was an inspiration for the FIELDTONE compositions.

By embedding this silent slowness into the compositions, the details of the sounds played become much more prominent. In this way the silence in the music amplifies the sounds that are played, and will also amplify the room surrounding the listener.


released November 15, 2015

Music performed by

NATHAN WOUTERS - double bass


BERT COOLS - electric & acoustic guitars

BENJAMIN SAUZEREAU - electric guitar

STIJN COOLS - drums & composition

Recorded on 16-19/07/2013 in Gembloux

Recording supervision by IVAN MORENO


Mastering by UWE TEICHERT

Cover picture by SANDRA SENA

Produced by

granvat © 2015

Published and Released by

Sub Rosa SRV412 Produced by granvat & Sub Rosa 2016

BOOK OF AIR is an original serie created by granvat

The copyright in this sound recording is owned by granvat, under exclusive license to Sub Rosa

© 2021 Basing IT