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[Poucet] Kyrie Eleison {French vers.} TY for +7000 subs and Happy New Year

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/!/WARNING: LONG DESCRIPTION/!/ .. I have many things to say, I don't know how to start..

This song was a request I got on twitter. You know (or not) that I usually don't take requests but I listened to this one and.. \"ahmygad, this. Is. Fabulous.\"
So yeah, actually, I just adore this kind of song, really. Plus, my current mood is absolutely perfect for it haha.


Story of my life (if you are bored):

After recording it, I spent my entire day trying to mix it and I almost cried because I didn't manage to take off saturation, and yeah, it was ugly. I felt too bad coz it was the first time I was not able to do anything with a mixing, and I was so excited to sing this cover...
Then SukinaK offered to mix it and I was like \"why not, I'm so pissed, I give up.\"
And-and-and when I listened to his first preview, I actually cried because he managed to do something good with my lines and I was so impressed and too many emotions and sobs-
Then we kept mixing until like 1:00 am and he was always patient and ready to change any details ;u;//
So.. once again Nana, thank you SO MUCH, you illuminated my grey day haha, I'm forever grateful! That's not really a matter of mixing or something, but you were here for me and yeah-


About the translation, as usual I tried to keep the original meaning, but also I changed words to make the singing more beautiful. If you want to find another translation of this song, you can read Estrelia's one:
As she said, lyrics can have several meanings /o/

About the singing: it was not easy at all to find a balance with the different ways of singing.. sometimes it's whisper, sometimes powerful, sometimes a mix with the both...
French note: j'ai remarqué que je faisais encore des erreurs de liaisons entre les mots.. ou plutôt que je ne faisais /pas/ certaines liaisons.. j'en suis consciente, je vais essayer de me corriger! ;A;//


Finally, since it is my last cover for 2013, I wish you, guys, the best for 2014!!
And thank you soooo much for + 7000 subs and for your support in YT comments and on twitter and everywhere! ;u;//
Sorry for the very long description xD I love you! ///

Thought for Megu-



Title: kyrie Eleison
Vocals, French translation, \"art\": Poucet
Mix: (thank you²²²²²²²²²²²²² dear Noodle!)
Lyric: オカメP [ OkameP ]
Music: オカメP [ OkameP ]
Arrange: オカメP [ OkameP ]
Original vocals: Hatsune Miku Append Dark

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