Gary Numan performs with Dramatis LIVE \"Down in the Park\" which has been re-recorded in Dolby sound!
- Down in the park
Where the mach-men meet the machines
And play 'kill-by-numbers'
Down in the park with a friend called five
I was in a car crash
Or was it the war
But I've never been quite the same
Little white lies like I was there
Come to \"Zom-Zom's\", a place to eat
Like it was built in one day
You can watch the humans
Trying to run
Oh look there's a rape machine
I'd go outside if he'd look the other way
You wouldn't believe
The things they do
Down in the park
Where the chant is \"death, death, death\"
Until the Sun cries morning
Down in the park with friends of mine
We are not lovers
We are not romantics
We are here to serve you
A different face but the words never change
Cheers to ALL the Numanoids for the positive comments!
Buy Gary Numan at iTunes
Read This if you want to know about this UNIQUE Version!
The Tik-Tok Man aka Peter Enright @ wrote me to tell me this exactly,
\"Bit of useless trivia here: Very interesting this has found its way into the ABC Rage archives. let me explain. Way back in 1983 John Bray & myself re-edited Numan's live concert video footage at Custom Video to the stereo LP soundtrack of the same LIVING ORNAMENTS gig - just so I could have good sound quality instead of the very poor original mono video sound quality. We transferred the VHS to 1\" videotape & re-synced the sound to match. This clip is one of the tracks we cut - it's entirely unofficial - & the giveaway is the blue wash on some scenes & the pyramid shaped Quantel digital effect which we used to slow mo the footage & keep it in sync to the vinyl stereo mix which of course ran at a slightly different speed - none of which exists on the original footage. I gave a 2\" dub to a mate at the ABC (forget his name) & from there it has entered their system as an official clip - but it's not, it's all my work & John Bray's editing! Amazing to see it after all these years.\"
SPECIAL THANKS to The Tik-Tok Man - Mr. Peter Enright who now is a Internationally re-known Filmmaker, Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Director of Photography, FCP Editor, Photojournalist, Documentary Tv Producer Director & Screenwriter as it says on his web site which I think if you need someone with Peter's skills he's NO doubt your man, just have a look at the site or contact Peter Enright directly at
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