\"Over the years I’ve lost so many things. I think that nostalgia can involve looking back at what we miss—and at mistakes and regrets—but it can also involve looking back at what saved us and made us who we are today. At some point, however, we probably should move on.”
Please go to my website for the download, CD, vinyl or the kinda great t-shirt - jillsobule.com. Also it’s on the iTunes and all that.
1 I Don't Wanna Wake Up
2 Where Do I Begin
3 I Put My Headphones On
4 Island Of Lost Things
5 Nostalgia Kills
6 Tomorrow Is Breaking (with John Doe)
7 There's Nothing I Can Do
8 25 Cents (The End Is Near)
9 The Party's over, Party Girl
10 Forbidden Thoughts Of Youth
11 Almost Great
12 Ooh Child
13 Tomorrow Is Breaking (piano/fan duet with Nick Ford)
14 The Donor Song
15 Don't Let Us Get Sick
Produced by Ben Lee
(Island of Lost Things -produced by Richard Barone
Ooh Child - produced by Alexander Burke & Ben Lee)
Chantal Le Drew - “executive producer”
Joss Whedon - personal lord and savior
Mixed by Michael Patterson at The Pleasure Dome
Mastered by Paul Logus
All Jill Sobule songs published by: feel my pain(ascap) BMG