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Absolute Elsewhere - In Search Of The Ancient Gods-1976 ( Full Album ) .wmv

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Mystical progedelic krautrock with folky touch, excellent songwriting and stunning guitar solos - A-side including The Progredelic Part Of The Trip, B-side including The Psychosive Part Of.

Bill Bruford plays in it (later case was the main attractor). Spacey sounds introduce the mellow bluesy synth rock sound of this record, reminding a slightly more cosmic version of mid 1970's.

Impovisation under influence of Teónanácatl mushroom. Album: Bardo Abgrund Temple (2011) Download album here

Umsonst und Draussen' can be literally translated to 'for free and outdoor'. It was the starting point for uncounted festivals taking place in Germany furthermore provided with a self-organized,.

\"Lottery Of Memories\", 1979 Henfenfeld, Germany.

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