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Sycomore S T (1976) [FULL ALBUM]

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Sycomore self-titled (1976) on Celebration Records.

\"Jazzy pop-rock served up light and Sunshiny, with keyboards supplied by Russ Kirkland (later of the group September) and David Wey (who authored most of the songs). Other members are Glenn Meeks on bass and 12-st1ing, Mike Norman on percussion, Jim Morgan on guitar and Debby Larsen on vocals. Ranges from lively Seawind—ish grooves to smooth catchy lounge pop to light rock to dreamy mellow ballads, all within a safe but appealing soft jazz framework. Some mild jamming in spots from the electric piano and/or electric guitar. ‘Lead On King Jesus’, ‘White—Haired Lady’, “Sailing Like An Eagle’, ‘Windsong’ (an instrumental), ‘Lovely Day To Fly’, five more. Includes a cover of ‘Nursery Rhymes’ which also appears on Jim Gill’s Spectacles. No horns or strings (unless you count the string synthesizer). Nice embossed tree cover. Oklahoma label. Did they know they misspelled the name of their band? (The Archivist, 4th edition by Ken Scott).\"

Guitar – Jim Morgan

Keyboards, Vocals – David Wey

Percussion – Mike Norman

Bass, Vocals, Twelve-String Guitar – Glenn Meeks

Keyboards, Vocals, Guitar, Percussion – Russ Kirkland

Vocals – Debby Larsen

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