\"Sangre de Muerdago stands on the wild side, on top of the cliffs, at the depths of the woods.... Galician Folk songs to heal and roam, to dance and love.\"
From Split LP Braided Paths with :novemthree:, to be Released on vinyl in march 2014 by Avant! records, SMGS Records, Boue records and Música Máxica.
All rights reserved to Sangre de Muerdago.
Os misterios que se agochan nos teus bosques,
na beira dos teus regatos,
na corteza das túas árbores, no solpor.
As historias dos carballos e os raposos,
e as túas peles enrugadas,
mais rezumas humildade,sen descanso.
Estragada, abusada e castigada,
polas xentes que acolliches,
esgotaron as túas forzas, teu amor.
Compañeira de aturuxos afogados,
de granito e de madeira,
que iluminas os meus pasos coa túa maxia.
Miña amiga, esvaneceste entre fumes,
xa cavaron a túa tumba,
rodeada de eucaliptos e petróleo.
Cando morra, eu ofrézoche os meus ósos,
que alimenten a túa terra,
para que dela broten novos bidueiros.
An Offering of Bones
The mysteries that hide in your forests,
on the banks of your streams,
on the bark of your trees, on your dusk.
The stories of the foxes and the oaks,
and your wrinkled skin,
you so humble and restless.
Broken, abused and punished
by the people you host,
they exhausted your strenght, your love.
You my partner of suffocated screams,
made of granit and wood,
you light my steps with your magic.
My friend, you are fading out amongst the smokes,
they've digged your grave already,
surrounded by petrol and eucaliptus.
When i die, i offer you my bones,
so they'll nourish your soil,
and new birch trees will grow.