Alejandro of Boyce Avenue and Hannah Trigwell cover \"Want U Back\" by Cher Lloyd
#BoyceAvenue #HannahTrigwell #WantUBack #CherLloyd
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We loved doing this video with Hannah Trigwell! She is the first artist ever signed to our record label 3 Peace Records. Thank you to everybody who already supports her YouTube channel, Facebook, and Twitter pages. She is an amazing talent from the UK and we think the world of her. Be sure to spread the word! :)
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Audio Produced by Alejandro Manzano & Daniel Manzano
Arrangement by Hannah Trigwell & Alejandro Manzano
Engineered by Adam Barber & Ben Matravers
Mixed & Mastered by Adam Barber
Video by 3 Peace Productions, Giantleap Productions & Hear Me Roar Productions