You've been gracious in waiting as I've planned for a new album. So here's a party song on the meantime ;) Party Like A Princess - hope you like it!
Ever since I was a little girl I've prayed for God to bless me with a Godly marriage, and I truly believe that He will. Even so, we should always celebrate the seasons that we are in. 'Party Like A Princess' is an anthem for all girls, young or old, who are waiting on their prince. When that season of life begins, it will be wonderful. But right here, this season of waiting, is one worth celebrating too. So all the girls out there, get ready to party like a princess.
Directed by Morgan Harper Nichols.
Edited by Jamie Grace.
Co-Editor: Markus Aedo
Animation by Rodrigo Rodriguez
Additional Graphics + Cover Art by Joannah Seaborn @jseaBORN_Cr8tiv
Produced by Jamie Grace.
Party Like A Princess
Written by Jamie Grace, Matt Dally, Morgan Harper Nichols, Mona Harper
Mixed by Nathan Dantzler & Jeremiah Kirkland @ The Hit Lab
Mastered by Nathan Dantzler @ The Hit Lab
Produced by Riley Friesen & Matt Dally
2016 The Label