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True Christmas (full album)

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Malam Kudus (KK 186)

Syair: Stille Nacht/Silent Night, Joseph Mohr 1818, terj. Yamuger/Panlit K.A.J. 1980

Lagu: Franz Xaver Grüber 1818

Vocals: Fanning the Flame

Music: Abe Simpson

O, Datanglah Imanuel (KK 154)

Syair: Veni, veni, Emmanuel/O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Nyanyian Latin Abad Pertengahan, terj. Yamuger 1981

Lagu: Prancis abad ke-15/Thomas Helmore (1811-1890)

Vocals: Eva Simson, Grace Shintia, Vicaria Pawa

Vocals Arranger: H.A. Pandopo

Music: Abe Simpson

Kau yang Lama Dinantikan (KK 147)

Syair: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, Charles Wesley 1744, terj. H.A. Pandopo 1981

Lagu: Rowland Hugh Prichard 1830

Vocal: Pesta

Music: Abe Simpson

Ya Yesus Dikau Kurindukan (KK 159)

Syair: O du mein Trost und süsses Hoffen, Carl Wilhelm Osterwald (1820-1887), terj. H.A. Pandopo 1978/1981

Lagu: Johann Wolfgang Franck 1681

Vocal: Tohu

Music: Abe Simpson

Hai Kota Mungil Betlehem (KK 178)

Syair: O Little Town of Bethlehem, Phillips Brooks 1868, terj. Yamuger 1978

Lagu: Lewis Henry Redner 1868

Vocal: Vicaria Pawa

Pianist: Rionaldy Oktavian

Di Malam Sunyi Bergema (KK 168)

Syair: It Came upon a Midnight Clear, Edmund Hamilton Sears 1849, terj. Yamuger 1978

Lagu: Richard Storrs Willis 1850

Vocal: Eva Simson

Pianist: Rionaldy Oktavian

Gerangan Bayi Apakah (KK 172)

Syair: What Child Is This, William Chatterton Dix 1865 (1837-1898), terj. E.L. Pohan Shn 1974

Lagu: Tradisional Inggris 1500/1600

Vocal and Guitarist: Samuel Siregar

Di Dalam Palungan (KK 166A)

Syair: Away in a Manger, William James Kirkpatrick 1895, terj. Yamuger 1980

Lagu: William James Kirkpatrick 1895

Vocals: Agnetha Febby, Meiva Koagouw, Meivi Koagouw

Music: Abe Simpson

Dunia Kedinginan (KK 170)

Syair: In the Bleak Midwinter, Christina Georgina Rossetti 1872, terj. H.A. Pandopo 1981 (bait ke-1-3), Yamuger 1981 (bait ke-4)

Lagu: Gustav Theodore Holst (1874-1934)

Vocal: Grace Shintia

Music: Abe Simpson

Begitu Kasih Allah Akan Dunia (KK 96)

Syair: For God So Loved the World, Yohanes 3:16, Frances Townsend 1938, terj. Yamuger 1986

Lagu: Alfred Barney Smith 1938

Vocal: Kevin Jones

Music: Abe Simpson

Mixing and mastering: Edi Kusworo for Fanning The Flame Record

Video editor: Fitria Kurniasari

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