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The Sky's Exploding - Now It's Art (Full Album)

Playing Next: I Am Ghost - Those We Leave Behind (2008) [Full Album]
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This was originally a Fourth of July album, but then it got delayed and now it's for the other holiday where fireworks are prominent, New Years! I also added more songs because it just happened naturally.

I really wanted to have the lyrics on screen for this one since I haven't for the past few releases, but it's such an annoying process so as always, the lyrics are available (as well as instrumentals and demos) on bandcamp:

I'll write more here later.


01. Not Today - 00:00

02. Understand - 02:09

03. I Wish - 04:40

04. Yeah, Okay - 08:17

05. Just Before Dawn - 10:10

06. Controversial Hours - 14:01

07. Light Switch - 14:57

08. I Don't Know What This Is - 15:40

09. With Thunder and Fireworks - 18:06

10. Again - 21:37

11. The Whoreth of July - 26:58

sample credits


Renault Master F3500 dCi135 Exterior Engine Start Up Idle And Drive Away Mono Follow.wav by Soundholder of

Controversial Hours

Cathartic Song I by Christopher Tom (Chris said I could use it and it's unreleased anyways so!!!!!!!)

FRICK by Chadtronic

With Thunder and Fireworks

Fireworks, Distant, B.wav by InspectorJ of

fireworks from a distance.wav by Tomlija of

The Whoreth of July

The guitar is literally the 2nd overworld theme from Super Mario Bros 3 so uh

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