Finally the first album of the insane french OI!-synth-punk solo project Cuir! Co-released on Aachen's Rockstar Records and Mandeure's Offside Records.
\"After \"Demo Demo Demo\" and \"Single Single\", this is finally the first full length album by one-man-wonder Doug out of Lorient. You may know the man behind the mask from his other exquisite projects Sordid Ship or Coupe Gorge, in which, above all, he extensively expresses his preference for Oi! On the debut LP, as on the previous singles, he rather shows his passion for synthpunk and then simply combines both preferences into a pretty great and awesome style of Punk. Super melodic synth parts mix with angry Oi Punk and Roll sound. Voilà: CUIR.
This is a co-release with our friend Alex from OFFSIDE RECORDS.
The vinyl will be shipped on February 15th (hopefully).\"
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